Latest Episodes
The Heart of the EFCA: An Interview with Kevin Kompelien
Pastor Mark and Devon sit down with Kevin Kompelien, the president of the EFCA to learn more about Kevin and the EFCA ahead of his visit to Parkview on November 12. We...

What the World Needs Now: A Conversation about Missions with Bob Blincoe
Pastor Thomas Hoak sits down with guest Bob Blincoe (president emeritus of Frontiers USA) to discuss his breadth of work in the "handshake" between the church and the ...

What is Hospitality?
In today's episode, we answer the question "What is Hospitality?" and look at examples in the Bible of hospitality as well as ways that we can live a life of hospitali...

Team Talk: Thomas Hoak
Devon Neese sits down with Pastors Thomas and Mark to learn more about Thomas's new role as Executive Pastor.---Parkview Church exists to glorify God through the whole...

Team Talk: A Final Charge from Wade Urig
In this episode, Pastor Wade Urig sits down on the podcast to give a final word of encouragement to us as we continue on mission to glorify God by making disciples of ...